Saturday, March 20, 2010


For you to make money in 2010 whether online or offline, you need focus and good belief system. You need to discipline yourself to focus until you start seeing results.

There are several business models to focus on both online and offline, so you truly need to discipline yourself to be able to pick just one or two of the model and then channel your whole energy, time and resources into it for a considerable amount of time till you start seeing enough results and then you can decide if you will just focus on that business model or add some more model.

Listed below are ten business models you can focus on in 2010.
1.Google Adsense
2.Forex trading
3.E-Currency Trade
4.Stock Trading (Online and Offline)
5.Website Flipping
6.Information Product Marketing
7.Affiliate Marketing
8.Home Base Import and Export
10.Service Rendering (Online and Offline)

There are a whole host of others but the above listed business model can earn you money fast and quick in 2010.
So what are you going to do? Pick one of the business models and focus on it or close this blog and pretend you have never come across this information before. The choice is yours.

The second thing to focus on is the belief that it will work because if you belief it will never work, it will not work for you. I hear many people say that internet marketing is a scam, well I don’t blame them. It’s there mindset. I always like asking people with such mindset if they are aware that million of people visit the internet everyday to buy things online. I know their answer is obviously yes without doubt. I also like asking them if they are aware that the seller of the purchased items sold the items online and made profit online. Their answer is also obviously yes without doubt. The truth of all this is that there is need for a particular service and someone provided it then got paid. You can never make a dime from the internet until you have the belief system that you too one day can make money online monthly. You can never make money online if all you see is scam, Fraud and lies. Please don’t make the same mistake most people make by ignoring vital information they come across online as a result of fear. If you do any of the above mentioned business models, you will surely make real and genuine money online.

All you need to do is to take the following steps
STEP 1:- Choose a business Model.
STEP 2:- Focus on it.
STEP 3:- Have a belief system that it will work and you will make money from it.
STEP 4:- Join wealthbuilder friend list to get step by step free report
STEP 5:- Contact me (view profile for contact)

If you take all the five steps mentioned above then you have started a lucrative business of your own. This business is so lucrative that simply company like,,,,, etc all this website makes million online yearly. The truth is that with internet business your earning has no ceiling. So just have the belief that you too can get there and you would, it might not be in one month but it definitely can be in one year.

If you have agreed within yourself that you are going to focus on whatever business model you pick and then have the belief that you can earn as much as you want to. Then it is time to do the most important part of it which is choosing a business model. Make your choice and follow the stated steps. The sky will be your starting point. Internet business is so interesting that you will wonder why you haven’t being doing them for years.

Always remember to contact me when you have any question and also don’t forget to join the wealthbuilder friend list to get free informative reports.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010



You can open a free blog and make money with it without spending a dime. All you need is Google adword skill. Google adword skill is very simple and you can learn it, make passive income with it and also teach others. You can definitely teach yourself all that is needed to excel with Google adword once you can have access to relevant information on how it works. To make genuine passive income with Google adword you have to know what Google adword really means. It is called Google adword because when you own a website or blog, you will give Google permission to advertise on your site or blog and then Google pay you for that. You will be paid by any click someone does on website or blog. You can earn between $0.33 to $5 per click depending on the uploading weight on the advert people click on.
To set up Google adword on your website or Blog, firstly you have to own a website or Blog. Below is step by step guild on how to open a free Blog.
STEP ONE: Log on to

STEP TWO: Click on create a blog. Enter you details using your gmail account. If you don’t have a gmail account you can sign up for a gmail account. Just visit and sign up for your gmail account then fill in your detail in your Blog account and click on continue.

STEP THREE: Name your Blog. Enter the Blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede in the space provided.
STEP FOUR: Choose a template. Select a standard template for your new Blog.

STEP FIVE: Now your Blog has been created and ready for you to start writing content and ready to start earning real and genuine passive income.

Now that you have a free Blog, the next step is to monetize your free blog. Remember when editing the setting on your Blog give permission to Google to advertise on your page. Once your Blog is ready, go to"> and then open an adsence account where your payment will be kept. Google will send your payment when you have reached the pay out amount.

You need to post valuable information on your Blog so that it will drive interest of people to your Blog. The information you post will determine the advert Google will display on your Blog. Google post similar advert to what information you post on your Blog. Creativity is all you need in other to make it with Google adsence. Information is the blood that keeps the world running, so you have to provide valuable information to attract interest of people.

Once people visit your Blog and click on any advert on your Blog Google pay you. On reaching the pay out amount of $100 google will send your payment to you the following month. You can then log in your cheque into your bank account (Domiciliary Account). Your money will be available for you in 4 days time.
Please anything you are doing with Google do it with decency and transparency.

See you at the top.