Monday, November 9, 2009

Adsense Alternatives For Bloggers

The wonderful advertising program of Google, AdSense has for long been the choice of many website owners interested in generating greater revenues from their websites. AdSense is still held to be the most used advertising network in the online world. Any typical blogger interested in making some extra income from his blog uses AdSense, which lets Google put in contextual advertisements in the form of text, image and video ads to the blog site based on the keywords embedded in the content of the blog. The blogger is paid every time a site visitor clicks on the ads.But not every blogger is content with AdSense. While some find it impossible to use with their blogs, it does not meet the specific needs of some other bloggers. Some are even banned by AdSense or are unhappy with the monetary earnings from the advertising program. With more and more players coming into the market, alternatives to the AdSense advertising program are within reach. The blogger can now choose from YPN(Yahoo Publisher Network), AdBrite, Chitika, Auction Ads, TextLinkAds, BurstMedia, Azoogle, Quigo, Kontera, Clicksor, CrispAds and several other AdSense alternatives many of which perform better and pay a better revenue. Of all these, the major biggest competition to AdSense is the Yahoo Publisher Network which is said to have a higher pay per click and more number of advertisers than AdSense. But the alternatives to the AdSense advertising program are to be used keeping in mind the nature of the blog. This is demonstrated in the excellent results that are yielded when an advertisement program like Chitika is used with a product-oriented blog or a program such as Amazon is incorporated in blogs having a reference about books and CDs. But many a blogger have started selling their blog space directly to various advertisers or with the assistance of an advertisement brokerage. A blog that has decent web traffic attracts advertisers who sense the success of their products in the kind of users visiting the blog site. A blogger who receives a significant number of visitors to his blog can directly sell advertising space in his blog, which may take sometime to take off but can make for a good alternative to the AdSense advertising program and yield higher earnings in the long run.Affiliate or referral programs also make for some nice alternatives. Other popular programs are CPC (cost per click), CPM (cost per thousand impressions), CPA (cost per action), PPP (pay per play), pop ups and in content link programs which are easy to use but offer less than the returns which AdSense gives. A main reason of their lagging behind AdSense lies in the fact that these programs do not have as many advertisers as Google. These programs also lack precision targeting of ads, resulting in lesser number of clicks by visitors to the blog.

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