Tuesday, May 4, 2010


An Internet Millionaire's Secrets

"Secrets of Internet Millionaires Revealed" Internet business is meant for someone who is interested in working from home; those in need of a side-income and even students who look forward to self-employment. To be honest with you internet business is not different from a virtual business. The same hard work required in building virtual business is also required in building an internet business. The advantage an internet-based business has over the physical business is that, internet business has low operational cost. You can carry out your internet business anywhere. You don’t really need an office for you internet business; all you need is a computer and an internet connection.

The success factors of internet businesses are creating a successful product or service and most importantly targeting a niche market, you also need the best way in promoting your product or service, capitalizing on the attributes of a website - the domain name, the logo, simple graphic design, visitors to your website.

To be frank with you an internet business is not a get-rich-scheme, I strongly advise all internet entrepreneurs to effectively use their expertise as a driver of their business' success. You most also learn how to build a strong business relationship with your customers and how to take steps in understanding their needs and shifting wants.
Although there are many different types of Internet millionaires selling a variety of products and services the successful ones have a few things in common. Here's how to follow in their footsteps so that you too can have some of their success.
1. Step 1
Create a clear marketing plan. It is important to have a defined marketing strategy and not to have a shot gun blast approach. Use a laser beam approach to getting to your target market as this will save you time and money. Only spend time with people already interested in your products or services. How do you do this? Social networking sites are a good way as they allow you to see what people are interested in.
2. Step 2
Focus on a specific niche where there's an untapped market or where you feel you can add value and improve upon the service. Google is a prime example. Yahoo had a several year lead on them, but Google had a superior product where the market was not being served.
3. Step 3
Create several profit centers with multiple streams of income. You cannot rely solely on one product or one revenue stream. You must diversify, synergize and tie in. Using Google as an example again, they've acquired YouTube and Facebook to get away from just having search and ads as their main source of income.
Automate as many services as possible using software. This allows you to cut costs, save time and have your business working for you 24/7.
4. Step 4
Find mentors. Although having a person is best you can use books, CDs and even your own imaginary mentors. In other words if you want to be like Richard Branson, read his biography and imagine having a meeting with him weekly and what he would say to you. Really it's not as crazy as it sounds.
5. Step 5
Develop internal strength. You are going to shave setbacks. Whether you will or won't isn't the question. The question is what do you do with those setbacks. You must develop internal fortitude to deal with the bad days. One way is through daily meditation.

You can actually tap into numerious secrets of great internet millionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg of facebook with total worth of 1.3 Billion US dollars at the age of 26yrs, Chad Hurley of Youtube worth 300 Million US dollars at age 32yrs, Blake Ross and David Hyatt of Mozilla Firefox worth 120 Million US dollars at age 24yrs, and host of others such as Chris Farrell, Ewan chia, Yaro Starak, Dr. Sunny Obazu Ojeagbase, Henry Omenagor, Samson Olatunde, Efe Imiren, Akin Alabi etc.

The internet as become a source of revenue to some nigerians, they make a living from the internet legitimately. To tap into the secret of this great minds is what the book internet millionaires secret is all about. To get a copy of this great e-book free. join the wealthbuldercoach mailing list then you will be able to down load for free and wonderful e-book free.

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Shallom, i am your host Ikuvwerha Benjamin. Remain blessed. See you at the top.

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